Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pompis and Double Crochet (DC)

Oh my word! I have been working on this post for a few weeks now. Being a beginner blogger, adding pictures can be a pain in the butt (I probably shouldn't write butt online. My Grams is my biggest fan! So, if she reads this post, she will call me just to say, "No No No! You don't say butt, you say pompis" She is too cute and I love her!) This post has been a pain in the pompis!

Anyhow, now that my conscience is clear and I hope my Grams is still my biggest fan and she will still buy my stuff and I can still go over to her house for breakfast and sometimes go grocery shopping in her cupboards or she will still take me to lunch because she loves me, I can move on and demonstrate a double crochet (DC).
After practicing a bazillion chains and now have a long string that spans 20 miles. . .
With your thumb and index finger, hold on to the last chain made. . .
and chain 3 more.
Note: The chain on your hook NEVER counts as a chain! If you happen to count it, I will have to call you and say, "No No No, this does not count!"
Yarn over (YO). Now put your hook through the chain that your thumb and index finger have been holding onto. 
Note: If you happen to take your fingers off, count 3 chains down from the hook and put it in the 4th one.

Next, YO one more time and pull through one chain. 
You should now have 3 chains on your hook.  
YO and pull through two chains now.
You should now have two chains left on your hook.  YO and pull through the last two chains. (Sorry, I don't have a picture of this process. I told you it was a pain in the pompis.)
Congratulations, you made a double crochet (DC)!
This is what it should look like. You should have one DC and one chain 3 next to each other. Now, start the process all over again minus the chain 3.
Note: The chain 3 counts as your first DC.
Remember: YO, put hook in chain, YO pull through ONE, YO pull through TWO, YO pull through TWO. Viola! You have a DC. 
Keep practicing and this is what one row looks like.

Now to add another row, chain 3.

This is what it should look like, after you chain 3.

At this point, this is where beginner crocheters (or maybe just me) make a mistake. Because your chain 3 counts as your first DC, you do NOT put your hook through the first chain on your row. (My finger is showing where you do NOT put your hook through.) 

Instead, YO, count 4 chains down from the hook, and put your hook through the 5th chain and start your DC process. 
Note: Unless you are making a fancy design and you are working on your second row, you should put your hook through tho top two chains which look like lips. Basically, it should look like the picture above then start your DC process.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Just because you can doesn't mean you should

*I realize I am late for my Monday humor post, but here it is. 

In 8th grade, I dissected a fetus pig, I named Charlotte. I carefully chipped away at the skull and vertebrae until the brain and spinal cord were carefully detached from the body. Proud of myself, I brought my specimen home to show my family and placed it in the bookshelf my dad made for his girls. Obviously, they were completely grossed out. I didn't care, I was proud!  But, before you are completely grossed out, I should say my teacher, Mr. Fischer, placed it in a jar filled with some type of liquid to preserve it. 

In saying this though, I have to be honest with myself and with my readers. The pictures below, I understand are weird. Who would make it? Seriously, I wouldn't, BUT I wouldn't mind having one or all of them either. They remind me of my college days where I spent hours looking at cadavers, studying pictures of dissected brains, sleepless nights studying for anatomy, physiology, neuroanatomy, kinesiology, human disease, learning the ethics of bedside manners, and a boat load of other classes. 

I belong in a hospital somewhere in Uganda or in an orphanage in China holding babies that are not wanted by their parents. Touching them, sadly for the first time for many, with loving hands, instead of for medical purposes. That is why, I believe at least, God gave me the desire to learn about the human body and how it works. 

SSSSSSSOOOOOOO, I understand that although, I may find them exciting, others may find them somewhat interesting. Nevertheless, here is a glimpse into MY interesting mind. :) Enjoy!

I find this hilarious!
I believe this would be the top portion of a brain.

I love this!!  

This is actually my favorite!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should

Note: The post below was supposed to be published yesterday. Sorry! So where it says Monday, please pretend it says Tuesday.  :)

I know you have all seen them, those crochet or knitted items and thought "what were they thinking!?" You try not to stare or laugh, instead you politely excuse yourself from making them increasingly uncomfortable from their lack of fashion sense. 

Since it's Monday, I would like to start the work week with a little humor I call "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should!" Laugh as loud as you can, stare as long as your eyes will allow you to, and please make sure you are not sipping your coffee as you scroll down. I will not be responsible if any coffee spills out of your nostrils, as you try to contain yourself.  

I feel more sorry for the dog than the woman. (I can hear my cousin Esther calling me now asking me to make her one.)

Hmm, not sure if this started out as pot holders and the designer just got a tad carried away. But really, who wants huge circles in front the chest.
Yikes. . . .

Friday, January 25, 2013

Simple Chain

For the past several days, I've been working on my blog and it  hasn't been going as well as I thought.  I didn't expect it to be as difficult or tedious. I think, or at least I hope, I have finally worked out my groove. :) Or, maybe I just accepted the fact that my work environment consists of a smelly dog named Sparkles, a nephew that enjoys the sound of his voice and screams random sounds (if you could only hear him now), and that no matter how long I work, my todo list seems to never end. Other than that, I have my groove.

Today this lesson is for all those who have never picked up a crochet hook. So grab your yarn and hook and get ready to learn how to make a simple chain (ch).

First make a slip knot (SK)and yarn over (YO).
TIP: The hand that is holding the yarn, make sure your thumb and middle finger are holding onto the tip of the chain. It will help you to smoothly pull the YO yarn through the chain.   

Next, pull your yarn through the chain
You made your first chain! 

For some, this may be super easy. For others, you may find that your chains do not look very consistent. Don't worry! When I first started my chains did not look as consistent either.  With lot's of practice, your chains will look just like mine.  
Next lesson will be a double crochet (DC). Happy practicing!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Technical difficulty

Sorry, I'm having a bit of technical difficulty and there will not be a new post today.  :(

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

slip knot

One of the first items I created was a scarf.  It was U-G-L-Y!  Not because the colors I picked were necessarily hideous (well my sisters may disagree with the statement, but that will be another story), I just didn't know how to properly make stitches.  

Below are step by step pictures of slip knots and double crochet stitches.   

First, wrap the yarn around your index finger two times.

Now get the back yarn and put it over the first yarn.
The back yarn is now in front.

Now pull the back yarn again over the first yarn and over your index finger.  Pull up. You made a slip not! :)   

Monday, January 21, 2013

a new beginning

cute as a button blog is officially open to world!!  Whoot Whoot!  I'm so excited to be able to share with all of you my love for crafts especially with crochet.  My first blog post is actually on the "about me" section.  I hope you enjoy just a tiny bit about my story and stick around with your yarn and hook in hand.  :)

Thank you and please, don't forget to subscribe to my blog!